Sweet Baby

I know I said we would find out what the sex was at our next appointment but… we didn’t. I did however schedule a surprise ultrasound to find out the gender at a local spa called Becoming Mom for Andrew’s Fathers Day gift!


We are really excited. Andrew thought it was a boy as did everyone else.

1. She is currently breech 2. She likes her hands on her face 3. Look at that spine!

I know there are some pregnancy surveys I could do every week but I’m just not that disciplined and I know I won’t do it. So I will just share the answers to the questions I’m most frequently asked.
How far along are you? I’m almost 20 weeks.

Have you gained any weight? +6 lbs. It doesn’t sound like a lot but I feel like it’s all going to my thighs.

Are you feeling movement? Yes! Andrew felt it for the first time on Father’s Day.

Any cravings or aversions? I’m embarrassed to say that a couple weeks ago the only thing that sounded good was Arby’s roast beef. Other than that I haven’t had any real cravings. Aversions on the other hand… there are just too many to list. I don’t think I will ever eat chicken again.

Any morning sickness? It was never morning sickness for me it was all day every day sickness. Now it’s only in the evening and every once in a blue moon I’ll get sick in the morning.

I recently watched a documentary called The Business of Being Born and although I have always leaned toward natural child birth I’m convinced that this is the only option for me. Anyone who is interested in natural child birth I would highly recommend tracking it down. It’s on netflix!

I’ve done a lot of research and I disagree with modern medicine and the way birth takes place in hospitals. I will probably opt out of any type of intervention. But that’s just where I am now, it’s all a process of learning and adapting to our families needs and I admit it is a little stressful digging to figure out what I believe because there are so many different opinions. But I have really enjoyed reading and agree with most that is stated on this blog if anyone is interested. My mother took The Bradley Method classes and had a natural birth with all four of us. And I plan on doing the same. I don’t think I’ll say much more about my choices in that regard because it is a very personal decision and it’s easy to offend discussing these things with people who have picked different ways of doing things.


  1. That was a sweet Father’s Day gift 🙂

    The Business of Being Born is a really good documentary. I totally support you in going natural. Remember to keep an open mind if things don’t go as planned 🙂

  2. So….Kayla….did I ever tell you that I was a home-birther??!? Questions? Ask away!!!

  3. Hey congrats guys! And my mom works at that spa! Lol should have name dropped! Lol

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