Aurora is growing like a weed. She is now 3 months old and has such a personality. She prefers to sit straight up all the time and she watches our every move. She started playing with her toys and is fascinated by this her own hands. She sleeps well when we are home but fights […]

Aurora turned 2 months old…three weeks ago. It has flown by. Her eyes disappear when she smiles and she has the best little crooked smile I’ve ever seen. She lights up when she sees her Daddy. She loves to sit up and see the world and no longer wants to be cradled like a baby. […]

I cannot get it to lay down. It absolutely refuses. I get asked a lot if I style it. No. I do not style my 8 week olds hair. I’ve also decided that I will forever refer to Rora’s age in weeks. If you ask me how old she is and I say 47 weeks… […]

Aurora didn’t have a name for about five days. Andrew and I had a name we really liked for a boy but we had a lot of trouble finding a name for our little girl.  Here were some of our favorites: Before you decide to give your opinion on any given name keep in mind […]

Born November 25th 2012 @ 9:33pm Andrew and I decided that we were going to have a home birth when I was around 20 weeks along. We had prayed and done our research and God really convicted us about the risks of the common interventions that happen in the hospitals. I feel that when choosing […]

I’ve been off work since the beginning of August. It’s been nice. I’ve been staying busy, though I couldn’t tell you what exactly I have been doing. There is always a never ending list though with miscellaneous errands, paying bills, meal planning and shopping, cooking, laundry, and just straightening up. I’m still learning how to […]

We had our first appointment with our midwives this week. I am in love. It was so much better than any appointment I have ever had at a doctor’s office. I feel comfortable and in control of what I want to happen and what I don’t want to happen. I’m not forced or talked into […]

I’m getting better and better at meal planning. It was quite the task when we were first married and though it still takes me an hour or two it’s not as daunting. I find that we eat much healthier when I plan out a menu. I enjoy looking at other peoples meal plans to get […]

I’m finally to the point where I feel like I look pregnant and not just bloated. I was having some bloating issues before I got pregnant that I think were gluten related so the only thing that has convinced me that I have not always had this belly is the current state of my belly […]

I know I said we would find out what the sex was at our next appointment but… we didn’t. I did however schedule a surprise ultrasound to find out the gender at a local spa called Becoming Mom for Andrew’s Fathers Day gift! IT’S A GIRL! We are really excited. Andrew thought it was a […]